Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thing #12

Two important things about commenting include:
*Remember the power of words/Criticize kindly from How to comment like a King (Queen). This tip is foremost is any kind of communication. To have a dialogue each participant needs to be respectful. Opinions and knowledge can be exchanged more meaningfully when these common courtesies are in place.
And from Drapes Takes:
The most successful teachers always feel that they have so much more to learn. This is really true in any profession. The person who is always learning becomes better at their craft. Overall, they have an openness to what others have to offer.

I went to Google Blog Search and searched for blogs pertaining to pet therapy and Web 2.0 Tools. What attracted me to both of these were of a personal interest, and just like reading in general, reading a blog is more meaningful when it is authentic. I felt that I could relate and contribute to these two blogs because I found a common thread. I am interested in becoming certified with my pet in the Delta Society, and I found some information that will help me to accomplish this. Pertaining to the Web 2.0 Tools, I found a post from a library student in the northeast part of the U.S. commenting on her final evaluation of her Web. 2.0 class at a university. Her task was to utilize these tools with a 5th grade class to enhance reading. It gave me some good tips.

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